New client for AS Archive Services - AS Archive Services

New client for AS Archive Services


I recently started a very interesting cataloguing contract at the Hunterian Museum's Department of Numismatics. Lord Stewartby, who died last year, was one of the foremost experts on Scottish coinage and literally wrote the book on the subject when he published 'The Scottish Coinage' in 1955, at the age of only 20. He left his coin collection to the Museum and with it came ten boxes of associated papers. Lady Stewartby very generously offered to pay for the cataloguing. A box list had already been done and as the boxes were arranged approximately by subject I will largely keep to this arrangement. I have also ordered conservation supplies and will repackage the collection into suitable folders and boxes.

One of the most touching parts of the collection found so far is the correspondence he received when he first published his book. Eminent numismatists including those at the British Museum and the Heberden Coin Room of the Ashmolean Museum offered their support and encouragement and Lord Stewartby kept all their letters.



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