News from Lockdown (or Lochdoon as my household calls it...)
Hmmm - looks like I haven't posted since August last year. My excuse for the end of last year is that I was very busy with two consecutive contracts, working on Lord Stewartby's papers at the Hunterian Museum relating to his coin collection.
This year my excuse is the same as everyone else's! I was on holiday in New Zealand from mid-February to mid-March only managing to squeak back into the country before lockdown started. I was back at work for four days - to an eerily quiet Edinburgh Napier University Merchiston campus - when the announcement was made on Monday 23rd March that all non-essential travel was to stop.
I carried on working from home for a couple of weeks but was eventually furloughed on 27th April. Not much a cataloguing archivist can do from home sadly. My current freelance contract with East Park School is also on hold until the lockdown ends.
So what am I doing with my time? Well there is a wonderful site called which carries a whole host of digitised resources that require transcription. I am currently 60 odd pages into the log book of the Edward Cary, a whaling ship from Nantucket. Their voyage currently has them in the Pacific around what are now the Ogasawara Islands (1000k south of Japan).
If you have any palaeographical skills you should check it out!